A 24-year-old male reported to ENT OPD with bilateral nasal obstruction, nasal deformity and left sided proptosis of 5 months duration. He had undergone excision of similar nasal mass 6 months back. Pathology at that time revealed the tumor to be a hemangiopericytoma. The patient was well postoperative only for a month after which he developed above complaints. Physical examination showed a soft tissue mass in both the nasal cavities with widening of nasal bridge and left-sided proptosis (Fig 1). In the oral cavity there was a bulge in middle of the hard palate. He had no cervical lymphadenopathy or cranial nerve deficits and vision was normal. Computerized tomography of the paranasal sinus revealed soft tissue mass involving bilateral nasal cavities, maxillary, ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses with erosiA 24-year-old male reported to ENT OPD with bilateral nasal obstruction, nasal deformity and left sided proptosis of 5 months duration. He had undergone excision of similar nasal mass 6 months back. Pathology at that time revealed the tumor to be a hemangiopericytoma. The patient was well postoperative only for a month after which he developed above complaints. Physical examination showed a soft tissue mass in both the nasal cavities with widening of nasal bridge and left-sided proptosis (Fig 1). In the oral cavity there was a bulge in middle of the hard palate. He had no cervical lymphadenopathy or cranial nerve deficits and vision was normal. Computerized tomography of the paranasal sinus revealed soft tissue mass involving bilateral nasal cavities, maxillary, ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses with erosi